Building a Marketing Action Plan

Four parallel strategies to make 2021 your best year yet

There are countless different ways to slice and dice marketing strategies. Interested to know which is our favourite?

Our Marketing Action Plan (MAP) is made up of 4 strategy components that work in parallel to help drive sales and growth and no single one is more important than the others.

These components include: building brand awareness, nurturing relationships, generating leads, and converting customers into brand advocates.

In this post we wanted to share how we view each one of these components, and types of channels and tactics fit within each one.

Brand Awareness

What are you doing to build brand awareness? What channels and messaging are you using to get in front of your target audience?

Sometimes we refer to these tactics as “top of funnel” activities. This is the first step in getting your brand and product/service offerings out there. It’s an important step as it introduces your brand to your audience and creates consistency, credibility, and customer recognition.

We know that you don’t like hearing this, but your brand is never going to be a one-size-fits-all, sorry! This just isn't an attainable goal to set. You’ll save both time and money by focusing your efforts and resources on more specific audiences. That being said, here are a few examples of tactics that can be used to establish your brand awareness:

Example channels + tactics

Facebook ads

Great for building brand awareness, announcing promotions, and sharing content in B2C industries.

Instagram ads

Like Facebook ads, Instagram ads are great for building brand awareness and getting in front of new customers in B2C industries.

LinkedIn ads

A social media platform designed around building relationships and targeting decision makers in B2B sectors.

Youtube videos

One way of thinking about Youtube: It is the world's second most active search engine - meaning there is an amazing opportunity to get in front of people looking for your product or service offering.

Radio + Digital Audio

Digital Audio is a recent evolution of Radio - allowing a more targeted approach through audio channels such as Spotify.

SEO + Content Marketing

Don't underestimate the value of ranking high in Google for your industry. Create content that targets customers at the beginning of their purchase journey.

Relationship Building

Great! Now people are aware of your product/service offerings. What are you doing to move them down the funnel? What great content are you publishing to help show them that you are an authority in your industry?

Once people are aware of your products it’s important to keep them interested and continue communicating with them to strengthen customer recognition and brand equity. How is this done?

Example channels + tactics

Organic Facebook posts

Stay in front of your audience and help move them down the sales funnel.

Organic Instagram posts

Use Instagram to stay top of mind and share your story with those that have begun listening.

LinkedIn networking

Use LinkedIn to engage and keep 1 on 1 conversations going and building relationships with key decision makers.

Youtube videos

Product reviews and demos are a great tool to help customers complete their purchase making decisions. It is also a helpful channel to communicate company culture and vision.

Quality Content + Blogging

Once a consumer finds your brand or product, write content that highlights the strengths of your offering and help them decide on their purchase. Share your knowledge for free and prove that you are an authority in your industry.


Use remarketing to help stay in front of consumers through their purchase journey and keep them engaged with your offering.

Lead Generation

Once people are familiar with your brand, or are in-market for your product offering - what tactics do you have in place to help them find success with you?

These channels and tactics are aimed to help consumers take that crucial last step and convert to a customer - or at least reach out and begin a dialogue with your brand.

Example channels + tactics

Google Search

Commonly referred to as Google AdWords, this channel is one of the most powerful tools you can use to get in front of consumers actively searching out products and services you are offering.

Newsletters + Email Marketing

Your newsletter list is invaluable and full of sales opportunities. Utilize email to help convert customers sitting on the sidelines, or expand your service offering to existing customers.

Landing Pages

Pages built specifically to pair with ad campaigns have been proven to convert at a higher rate when compared to traffic sent to a generic page.


Chat widgets or bots have become a popular sales tool and have proven to be successful in converting site visitors to brand customers!

Build Advocates

A credible referral is the best lead you can get. What tactics do you have in place to help turn customers into avid advocates of your brand? Furthermore, what tactics do you have in place to help deepen your business relationship with your existing clients?

The first step is to make sure that all of your customers have a positive experience with your brand, and if they don't, proper steps are taken to mitigate any issues and find a solution that works for everyone. There are always going to be certain clients or business affiliates that resonate authentically with your brand, these are the people you want to have advocating your brand.

Example channels + tactics

Referral Programs

They’re a great way to give back to your brand advocates and incentivize them to continue referring you to their network.


Create memorable experiences for your customers - and give them the opportunity to network with your other customers.

Email Marketing

Your newsletter list is invaluable and full of existing customers or those very interested in your brand. Utilize email marketing to help convert customers sitting on the sidelines, or expand your service offering to existing customers.


Everyone appreciates a "thank you" gift when engaging in a service with a company

4 strategies, endless tactics.

These four strategies are just a jumping point for you to help build your very own MAP (Marketing Action Plan). How you execute these 4 strategies is where the fun and creativity begins!

If this got some wheels turning for you but you’re feeling overwhelmed and don’t know which direction you’re going - would love to connect with you and see where we could help provide support and value.

Strategizing the who, what, when, where, why and how is what we love to do. The team at First Up is well-versed in all areas of marketing strategies and campaigns, and can assist from initial strategy all the way through to execution. If you need support in any or all of the areas above, connect with us.